La Hot Spring

Warm water area is located in the interior of Hulu Besut about 28 km from the City Jertih Rajasthan. Tourism center is known by calling La Hot Spring was opened to the public as a tourist place in 1992 in conjunction with the launch of the Expo Cultural District Development and Town Besut.

       This recreation center has actually been long established and is visited by locals on weekends and public holidays to enjoy the beauty of nature.

       Visitors get to see the hot water out through the holes of a hill and continue to flow into the ponds provided.

       Running hot water contains chemical "SULFUR" or sulfur with the heat reaching 49 degrees Celsius. It is nourishing to cure skin diseases and also bathing. There is also a heated container Wadding Pool (THERMOS).

       In addition, the warm water is also built artificial ponds as well as a spa for the public to enjoy the warmth of this artificial warm water on their own. Here, visitors who come have never reduced because every time a visit. The main attraction is a natural warm water into a belief that society can cure the disease as well get the body freshness.

       La Hot Spring also provides a lot of convenience to the public as a rest house, Musalla, public restrooms, restaurants and others.

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