Holiday in cameron highland

Assalamualaikum. Recently I had the opportunity to holiday in Cameron Highlands with friends during diploma. It is quite excited to be able to get to see all my old friends. At the same time, I was on vacation for a week semester. Indeed, quite a bit too la my semester break period compared with other universities. Thank God, our holiday for 3 days 2 nights running smoothly without any problem. Many interesting places that we visited as the Butterfly Park, Tea plantations, strawberry, point of sale and other cacti. Here I inserted some pictures for your viewing pleasure during my vacation there.

Our homestay near this sign. I remember the first time entered the inn there, there was no fan or air

conditioner in there! Coldest time between the hours of 3-6 am. Wear a sweater 3 ply was not necessarily hold the cold in there. hehe.
Kg signage. Existing Park, the location of our accommodation. It is cool and calm atmosphere in the village just as I was going along with some of my friends. What I remember, near the village, there is a golf course.

Friends who were with me during this holiday in Cameron Highland. Up there is no longer a replica Strawberry. Indeed if you go there, almost all the way, you see only strawberries. haha. Indeed there are many products of Strawberry ice cream through to snacks and crafts there.

We are current in Cameron Valley Tea, Cameron Bharat Plantation. It is interesting views there, but we could not go along all parts of the tea estates as it is enormous!
These are among some of the picture that can be shared with the reader. Actually more of a snapshot, but it's probably enough for some of the picture in this article for your tontotan.

Hope you entertained with a less attractive picture I managed to capture there. As Malaysia is currently facing relatively high temperature weather, cozy and cool weather in Cameron Highlands as well as many interesting places there certainly impressed me to go there again. So if you want a vacation, Cameron Highlands may be a choice between an attractive destination.
- Maybe you are ever to Cameron can share experiences throughout the trip there?
- Quite a long time I actually leave this blog is not updated. This may be due to personal problems that can not be avoided. However expect God to give strength to me and to the reader to

always be patient to face trials in this life.

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